In this blog, let us look at some subtypes of OCD and what might be the obsessive thoughts and compulsive rituals for this.
Type 1 is Obsessive thoughts related to accidental harm. The obsessive thoughts include fear of harming self, fear of hurting others, intrusive violent thoughts, fear of blurting out obscenities, fear of acting embarrassingly, fear of acting on unwanted impulses, fear of stealing things, fear of harming others by not being careful, fear of being responsible for a disaster. This may lead to certain compulsive rituals, including “Thinking an alternative thought to undo the obsessive thought”, prayers, counting, repeating the opposite thought aloud, and reassurance repeatedly.
Type 2 is Obsessive thoughts related to contamination. This includes concerns and disgust with bodily waste such as urine and saliva, concerns and disgust with germs, excessive concerns with household items such as cleaning liquids, excessive concerns with animals, insects, and infections, bothered by sticky substances or residues, and concerned that they will get ill due to a contaminant. The compulsive rituals include washing hands repeatedly and excessively, washing in a particular ritual, using gloves and masks for protection, testing for health repeatedly even when OK, and getting household members to handle perceived contaminated products.
Type 3 is obsessive thoughts related to taboo thoughts of a sexual and violent nature. This includes intrusive thoughts of forbidden, perverse sexual thoughts, images and impulses, intrusive images involving children or incest, intrusive content involving homosexuality or doubts about sexual orientation and intrusive sexual aggression towards others. Compulsive rituals include seeking reassurance repeatedly, thinking of neutralising images, prayers, and distracting rituals like counting.
Type 4 is obsessive thoughts related to hoarding. These might include urges to save or hoard, feeling uneasy about throwing things away, and thoughts that you will “need it” one day. Compulsive rituals may involve collecting newspapers, bottles, empty cans, plastic wrappings, etc.
Type 5 is obsessive thoughts related to blasphemy. Obsessive thoughts include intrusive thoughts of blasphemy and excessive concern with morality, right and wrong. Compulsive rituals might consist of praying, thinking, neutralising pure thoughts, counting, and rituals to undo the effects of these thoughts.
Type 6 is obsessive thoughts related to orderliness and symmetry. These might include thoughts of orderliness or symmetry associated with magical thinking (e.g., if the picture is not perfectly aligned, my father will die) and thoughts of orderliness or symmetry NOT related to magical thinking. Compulsive rituals include checking the house to make sure everything is in order; repeatedly revising emails, messages, essays and homework; Taking too long to complete a task to make it “perfect”, procrastinating to complete it “perfectly”, getting stuck on minor details to achieve “perfection”.
Type 7 is obsessive thoughts related to pathological doubts or “just right feeling” Compulsive rituals include doing things repeatedly or checking or thinking repeatedly to achieve the “just right feeling”.
Type 8 is obsessive thoughts related to bodily sensations. This includes obsessive thoughts preoccupied with physical functions such as breathing, excessive preoccupation with a disease, and excessive preoccupation with a body part. Compulsive rituals include checking constantly and seeking reassurance.
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