Let us learn about what stress is. Anything that increases our stress hormones is stress. A tiger in real life is a very stressful situation, and our bodies prepare us with a burst of energy to either fight it or run away. If the threats are internal or cannot be modified, learning to deal with stress effectively makes sense. Stress can either be acute ( such as death in the family, divorce, or break up), or it can be chronic ( living in an abusive relationship, suffering chronic health problems or pain).
We might know that constantly heightened stress is implicated in depression. However, stress is also involved in several health conditions, physical and mental. Increased blood pressure, gastritis, chronic fatigue and burnout can all happen as a result of stress.
Let’s learn how to deal with stress. Stress cannot be eliminated,and it is unrealistic to aim to do so. Some stress can help us achieve our goals and keep us motivated. However, we can make our minds and bodies resilient to stress so that we have the right tools to reach out to when we cannot cope.
Having non-judgmental friends with whom to share and socialise makes a huge difference. Positive socialising has a significant impact on managing stress. Always validate how you feel. It is OK to feel upset, angry, or hurt by situations that you find unacceptable. Do not try to suppress your emotions. Instead, try the following.
Keep a diary and journal your thoughts for 5 minutes every day. Writing down your thoughts helps them take form, and you can see a pattern in your thinking.
Mindfulness is a state of awareness of the here and now. Being mindful of your breath, body, and surroundings is an excellent way to become more aware of and manage stress. Let your emotions pass over you like a cloud. Do not judge your thoughts. You can breathe in and out and imagine your anger or hurt going out as you breathe.
Practising self-love is the first step to caring for yourself through nourishing food and exercise. Give yourself compliments and positive self-suggestions. Writedown one positive quality about yourself everyday. Look after yourself as you would a baby or a pet. Write one thing you are grateful for everyday. Gratitude has scientifically proven evidence to change the wiring of the brain.
Bring a routine, especially with regular diet, exercise, yoga and sleep.
Manage your expectations of others and others’ expectations of you. Accept people as they are and draw boundaries. Offer realistically what you can do and stick to it.
Forgiveness is the ultimate self-care strategy. Itmeans letting go of anger toward someone or a situation. Learn to forgive and let go of your anger. There are several strategies forforgiveness.Do ONE pleasant activity a day. This can include gardening, listening to music, cooking, or chatting with friends.Reduce baseline anxiety by mindful breathing, progressively tensing and relaxing your muscles, picturing a pleasant place, etc.
Remember the importance of exercise. Exercise 30-45 minutes daily, aiming to increase your heart rate. Stay hydrated.
In Chennai Minds we offer exclusive treatment for Insomnia and have developed packages which incorporates diet, psychoeducation, CBT, yoga and mindfulness. Chennai minds , the Best Psychiatrist in Chennai now also offering Telepsychiatry including Online Counselling for OCD and Depression as well.