Start to practice being mindful of your day-to-day emotions and where you feel them in your body. Give names to these emotions. Reflect if one emotion is felt in the head, whereas the other is felt in the chest area or your abdomen. Label your emotion every time you thinkabout it. Instead of calling them negative or positive emotions, call them helpful or unhelpful. Maintain a log of emotions that you feel every day. Reflect on how you process unhelpful emotions. Are you processing them in an unhealthy manner? Now, you can process your feelings out of your mind and body in helpful ways.
You can imagine the emotions passing out of your body from head to toe. Write down your thoughts. Express your authentic emotions. If it is sadness, you can cry. It is a healthy way to self-soothe.
If you are angry with someone, you can express your anger by imagining the person sitting in front of you and expressing yourself verbally.
We all have emotional needs, which can go a long way in serving us well when we identify them right. It is most beneficial to maintain a journal. Reflect on what experiences in your relationships bring out what emotion in you. Identify why you felt that way. What did the other person say or do that made you feel this way?The more you identify which emotions are elicited by certain people and experiences, the more you can identify the experiences you voluntarily seek out and, thus, your unmet emotional needs.
Write a letter to signify closure in relationships that are not practical and do not serve a purpose anymore. Identify and accept that they did help you grow, but now you cannotnourish those relationships since they do not serve any purpose anymore.
When the emotion hurts, do not suffer the second arrow. Observe. Take a few minutes now and then, at least three times a day during your workday, to close your eyes and observe what is happening within you.
Do you feel angry?
Do you feel sad?
Do you feel you do not belong where you are anymore?
Do you feel hopeless?
Do you feel numb?
Do you feel guilty?
Do you feel let down?
Remember, it is OK to feel this way. There is no right or wrong way to think about any situation. The point is to acknowledge and accept your feelings.
Processing emotions is sometimes done by observing them pass by without judgement or holding on to them.
The more you observe, the more you can process your emotions.
Set a timer for eating and drinking.Even if you are very busy, take a break and walk around.
Sit and chat with people around you and your family who mean to you.
Not everyone experiences emotions the same way. Not everyone’s situation is the same.Some may have financial stress and health problems, and some may feel unsupported. Some may get through astressfulsituationfine,and some may be haunted for months at a stretch.Whatever you go through is very personal to you.
Take a few moments to observe today and this week. Let those emotions pass like clouds; do not attach to or judge them.
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