For the next week or so, maintain a sleep log. Note the following:
a) Time you get into bed,
b) Time taken to fall asleep, and
c) How many times do you wake up once asleep?
d) Rate the quality of sleep as a percentage.
Make a note of any exception days. Are there days when you can sleep well? What is different about exception days? What went on during the daytime that helped you sleep better? Can you use your resources to replicate that day?
Next, make notes about your thought patterns and beliefs about sleep.
What are your beliefs and expectations about sleep and a healthy sleep routine?
Note down and target any NEGATIVE SLEEP THOUGHTS. “I can’t sleep”, “Something is wrong with me if I can’t sleep”, “It will not get better”. Change to POSITIVE SLEEP THOUGHTS. “There are some days that I do sleep, including the mornings”, “Many perfectly healthy people struggle with sleep”, and “Good days (or nights!) do not last- nor do the bad ones.”
Letting go of expectations and embracing acceptance goes a long way.
Learn to manage your expectations. Acceptance is critical to successful and peaceful nights.
To learn to embrace acceptance, have an “acceptance” mantra. Accept that you cannot sleep or have a sleep that you think is optimal. Give up your beliefs about sleep, such as that sleep should be 8 hours, that you must go to sleep immediately, and so forth.
Reduce expectations and go to bed with the idea of resting and being mindful rather than sleeping. When in bed, techniques such as deep breathing and body scan will help relax your body further.
You can use weighted blankets and comforters to relax. Now, let us see how you can write a sleep story.
Let me outline an example of an ideal sleep story. Visualise and write about a stress-free and productive day at the office, spending time with colleagues, enjoying your lunch and exercising. You can visualise and note down the healthy diet that you are eating and have a few laughs and fun moments. You can note down the chattering and banter with your friends and colleagues about light-hearted and happy events. You then visualise and note about going home, winding down, and doing relaxing activities such as music, reading, and TV. You don’t ruminate or think about your past or future.You revel in the present and enjoy this day to the fullest. You go to bed tiredand relaxed but happy. You have a good night’s sleep.
I just read this example story once. In this story, what points can you learn from? Does it help you to set goals? What hurdles may you foresee? What strengths and resources do you have to overcome hurdles and achieve your goals? Can you write a similar story to help you have the perfect day and night’s sleep? When you start helping yourself, insomnia will be a thing of the past. Insomnia happens when both the quality and quantity of sleep are affected. This can occur due to lifestyle factors, and we must always consider this first and help ourselves.
In Chennai Minds we offer exclusive treatment for Insomnia and have developed packages which incorporates diet, psychoeducation, CBT, yoga and mindfulness. Chennai minds , the Best Psychiatrist in Chennai now also offering Telepsychiatry including Online Counselling for Depression and OCD as well.