- What are positive symptoms?
Positive symptoms are symptoms that ADD. E.g., hearing voices, having thought disorder, having beliefs that are fixed and false etc.
2.What are negative symptoms?
Negative symptoms are symptoms that TAKE AWAY. That is.,
losing their motivation, their ability to mix with people, losing concentration, etc.
So negative symptoms are predominantly those when a person loses
emotions, shows apathy not motivated to self-care or mix with
3. What are hallucinations?
Hallucinations are seeing, feeling, and hearing things that are not real and do not exist.
In schizophrenia, auditory hallucinations are common. This is when a person hears voices which are not real. People can hear one voice or many voices. Typically, a person believes these voices to be real and will not agree if pointed out if they are not. This is known as lack of “insight”.
4. What are second person hallucinations and third person hallucinations?
Second person auditory hallucinations are when the voices talk to the person directly (that is., in the second person).
Third person auditory hallucinations are when the voices talk about the person amongst themselves referring to the patient as “he” or “she” (that is., in the third person)
5. What are delusions?
Delusions are false and fixed beliefs that people with psychosis and schizophrenia may experience. These beliefs cannot be reasoned with the individual and most often are bizarre and out of keeping with the person’s cultural beliefs. For example., a person may believe that aliens are landing on his home to attack him.
6. What are the types of delusions in schizophrenia?
Common delusions in schizophrenia include paranoid delusions (believing that someone is trying to harm them), delusions of reference (believing that events and objects around them have some sort of personal significance to them), delusions of control ( feeling controlled as if like a puppet).
7. What is thought disorder?
Thought disorder is when thoughts of a person are disrupted as in their form, content, and structure. It is not exclusive to schizophrenia. There are various types of thought disorder that exists.
8. What is thought insertion?
Thought insertion is a symptom of schizophrenia when a person believes that others insert thoughts into their head which is not their own.
9. What is thought withdrawal?
Thought withdrawal is the belief when people with schizophrenia believe that thoughts leave their mind without their consent.
10. What is thought broadcasting?
This is a belief where people feel that their thoughts are accessed by others outside.